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About this issue of "Rattle Up My Boys"

Summary: Series 26 Issue 2

Published: February 2019

Editor: Jeff Lawson

Featured in this issue:

  • Photo of Grenoside Musicians (p1)
  • Future Traditions  (p3-4)
  • Musketeer’s Lock (p4)
  • The Little Crosby dance if 1712, with a look at the music (p5-7)
  • Editorial (p7)
  • Handsworth Sword Dancers and their Mumming Plays (p8-9)
  • Midwinter Dances (p10-12)


Highlights of this issue include a Boxing Day event where several teams performed, a unique fusion of longsword and jazz dance by an enthusiastic youth, and a detailed description of teaching sword dancing to children. The issue also discusses historical references to sword dancing, including a 1712 performance and the music accompanying it. Upcoming events like the DERT 2019 in Newcastle and the SDU Longsword Gathering in Richmond are previewed

Featured sides

This issue features performances by Maltby Phoenix, Lizzie Dripping, 6 Tommy Soldiers, and the Grenoside School Sword Team. These groups showcased their talents during the Boxing Day event, with the Grenoside School Sword Team making their debut. 

Featured events

This issue details upcoming sword dance events, including the DERT 2019 in Newcastle upon Tyne from 5-7 April 2019 and the SDU Longsword Gathering and Tournament in Richmond, North Yorkshire, on 28th September 2019. 


#Editor: Jeff Lawson
#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB), 26(2),

#rattleupmyboys #rattleupmyboys_s26.2

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