Search magazines
The Morris Federation publishes and hosts magazines about morris and other forms of traditional dance.
The following search facility across the three magazines listed below is under development (4 April 2024). It currently is restricted to the web pages for the magazines, but not the contents of the PDFs.
The FedExtra magazine (formerly known as the Newsletter) is published by the Morris Federation. Back issues are online from 1993.
Morris Matters
The Morris Matters magazine is an independent magazine by Beth Neill published twice a year since 1978. The archive is hosted by the Morris Federation.
Note you can search back issues including the table of contents for all issues and many of the PDF copies (these are currently being indexed).
Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB)
The Rattle Up My Boys magazine archive is hosted by the Morris Federation. Rattle Up My Boys was launched in 1987 and several issues published every year. To date there have been 29 series published.
Note you can search back issues including the table of contents for all issues and many of the PDF copies.
Possible Further Developments
We hope to provide richer searching for the Rattle Up My Boys and Morris Matters magazines, based on providing richer metadata (based on tables of contents and names or authors and featured dance sides).
Page author: Brian Kelly
Last updated: 4 Jul 2024