About this issue of "Rattle Up My Boys"

Summary: Series 24 Issue 4

Published: August 2017

Editor: Jeff Lawson

Featured in this issue:

  • Zwaarddanstreffen in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium 25 to 27 May 2017 (p1-4)
  • Handsworth visit to Ieper/Ypres, Sunday 28 May 2017 (p4)
  • Editorial and Renewal (p5)
  • A late midwinter Report (p5)
  • Summer Sightings (p6)
  • Stone Monkey blooding (p6)
  • Fifty years of going round in circles (plus a few ups and downs!) (p7)
  • Newark Traditions Festival: swords flash at birth of a new festival (p8)
  • The Sword Dance Festival of Korcula in Croatia (p9-12)


Articles in this issue  include detailed accounts of the Handsworth Traditional Sword Dancers’ participation in a festival in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, and their visit to Ypres for a memorial ceremony. This issue also reports on the York Gentlemen Longsword Dancers’ traditional Plough Monday celebration, the Newark Traditions Festival featuring multiple longsword dance teams, and summer performances by different sword dance groups at various festivals and events. The editorial highlights the significance and growing recognition of longsword dancing at international and local festivals.

Featured sides

Featured sides in this issue include the Handsworth Traditional Sword Dancers, York Gentlemen Longsword Dancers, Monkseaton Morrismen, Sallyport, and Stone Monkey. Additionally, teams such as Boerke Naas, Speelschaar Ossaart, Dansgroep Lange Wapper, and Teries in Tartan are mentioned

Featured events

Key events and locations covered include the sword dance festival in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, the Plough Monday celebration in York, the Newark Traditions Festival in Newark-on-Trent, the Durham Miners Gala, the Hull Maritime & Folk Festival, and the Warwick Folk Festival. The issue also details a memorial ceremony at the Menin Gate in Ypres, Belgium.


#Editor: Jeff Lawson
#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB), 24(4),

#rattleupmyboys #rattleupmyboys_s24.4

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