Health & Safety – Risk Assessments

First Aid

For First Aid guidance see:

Health & Safety advice and support

At some point, health and safety is probably going to be an issue for your team. You might need:

  • risk assessments, for instance if a council asks for one so you can get permission to dance
  • event plans, for processions and other events held in public
  • advice and guidance on a specific topic, such as noise, traffic management, fire safety (e.g. flaming torches, requirements for props, sleeping accommodation, etc.), child protection, emergencies, etc.
  • specific support, for instance following an accident or incident, or an insurance claim

The list above is not exhaustive. If you aren’t sure what to do, please contact Sally Wearing, our H&S Advisor. H&S advisors deal with many different issues and Sally will do her best to help whatever your H&S problem is.

Risk Assessments

Sally has developed some risk assessments templates, which you can adapt to your own events, circumstances etc.

Before using the templates, please read: How to use the H&S Risk Assessment Templates (PDF) (opens in new window). These risk assessments now include the risks from Coronavirus.

NB: All risk assessments must be tailored to your specific event. You know more about what will be happening than the template can cover. The templates cover basic possible risks – there may be others that you can think of and some of the risks in the templates may not be relevant to your event.

Dance Displays (outside or in large internal spaces):


Other types of event:

If your event is not included in the list above, please contact Sally who can provide other assessments.


For specific advice about Coronavirus see: Coronavirus Covid-19

Accident - image by succo from Pixabay 
Accident – image by succo from Pixabay

Contact details

Sally Wearing, H&S Advisor
0118 946 3125 or 07939 488971

Last updated: June 2024

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