Friend of the MF – the Rt Hon the Lord Redesdale

See list of Honorary Life Members and Friends of the Morris Federation.

The Rt Hon the Lord Redesdale, Rupert Mitford, 6th Baron Redesdale – Friend of the MF (2003)

Nomination by the MF Committee at our AGM in 2003:

2003 Lord Redesdale squareLord Redesdale was helpful in ensuring that Morris dancing and similar dance forms were to be exempt under the Act and this Motion proposes that he be made a Friend of the Federation.

We propose that Lord Redesdale is made a Friend of the Federation in recognition for his work in ensuring Morris dancing and similar dance forms are exempt under the Licensing Act 2003.

2023 Lord Redesdale squareLord Redesdale also addressed the audience at the JMO’s 20th anniversary celebration of the Exemption, in Trafalgar Square in October 2023.

Michael receives his certificate and badge at the JMO 20th birthday day of dance in London, October 2023.


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