
This page is for named contacts of fully paid-up members of The Morris Federation. Here you can update your Teamfinder profile; download your Public Liability Insurance Certificate; access the AGM Pack; and see the archive of Broadcast Emails.

Your team’s named contact is the only person in your team who has access – they are the person who receives your broadcast emails from us to the membership. To change your team’s named contact and email address:

  1. Existing person: login here with your email/password and change your team’s profile to your new named contact and email address, then
  2. New person: come here and use the email address to request a ‘password reset’ to set your own password.

    If you have a team email address such as secretary@teamname, then use the instructions above without changing the email address.

    Having trouble signing in? Please try this link to sign-out first: Sign-Out

    The following content is accessible for members only, please sign in.

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