Search Fed Extra

Searching of the table of contents and the full contents of the PDF for many issues of Fed Extra (previously known as the Morris Federation Newsletter ) is available.

Note this is currently (30 May 2024) an experimental service.

About this service

The service may be useful for a number of types of users.  For example members of the morris community who are looking for:

  • Articles about your current side (or a side you’re thinking of joining!)
  • Sides you used to dance with.
  • Articles about dance traditions, notation, etc
  • Articles about topics which may still be relevant such as recruitment


The search service is still being developed.  We are aware of the following limitations:

  • Not all pages have been indexed – we are checking to see which pages are missing and will then submit the pages for indexing. Note it can take time for PDF files to be indexed.
  • Many of the PDFs for not have a title or description. It is unlikely we will be able to add missing metadata in the near future.
  • The PDF files do not have a meaningful URL – the URL is based on the date the file was uploaded.

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