A list of morris and sword dance teaching materials will be collected here:
!NEW! in 2024 – see our new Buzzing Britain resource pack designed for KS2 to be used in a number of different ways, including: A scheme of cross curricular topic work for a year group; A themed topic week for one or more classes including creating a show at the end with a mummers play, Morris Dancing performance and costumes; A themed topic day for one or more classes; Show what you have done in a class assembly or a show for family and friends.
Watch our YouTube ‘Buzzing Britain’ video playlist showcasing different styles of morris and sword dancing. #BuzzingBritain
Folk3D in Derbyshire has Educational Resources – including how to build a dragon, how to write a mummers play, broom dancing, maypole dancing, rapper sword dancing, and info about well dressing, traditional songs and carnivals
There is a wide range of Learning Resources by EFDSS – we select a few here:
- Creative Folk Dance for Primary Schools – simple dances for Primary schools, introducing figures and formations with dance descriptions and musical notation, an EFDSS resource by Barry Goodman.
- ‘Morris Hey!’ by EFDSS is an introduction to morris dancing for young people, designed to be used by teachers. The films, audio and website content can be used and shared free of charge for non-commercial educational use.
- Tradition and Composition: Unit of Work for Cotswold Morris Dance – EFDSS resource for GCSE Dance (or similar) by Kerry Fletcher
- Dancing Days: using folk arts in inclusive settings and A Song and a Dance: using folk arts in inclusive settings – for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by EFDSS’ Inclusive Folk tutors Emmie Ward and Roary Neat.
Morris Federation Instructionals:
- various video instructionals for you to follow on the MF YouTube Channel
From our members:
Knights of King Ina – videos of jigs danced by the team, and jigs taught at workshops – see the KOKI YouTube Channel
- John Sweeney (East Kent Morris) – Cotswold Morris Dance Tutorial Videos, covering the basics and including tutorials on the styles of Adderbury, Badby, Bampton, Fieldtown, Ilmington, and Lichfield.
Feedback. We welcome feedback on the Education resources. We also welcome suggestions for other Education-related topics which could be included. Please send a message using the Contact Us form (select ‘Education’ in the Enquiry Type drop-down).
Who Can Use These Resources? The resources are freely available for use by all; access is not restricted to members of the Morris Federation or, indeed, just to the morris community. Note the resources are available at stable URLs, which means you can link to the documents and share the link addresses knowing that the links should remain stable.
Last updated: February 2024