About this issue of "Rattle Up My Boys"

Summary: Series 14  Issue 1

Published: Spring 2005

Editor: Andrew Kennedy

Featured in this issue:

  • Kirkburton Rapier Dancers’ “European Tour” (p1)
  • Corrections (p2)
  • The Return of the Blue Stots (p3)
  • Sword Plays (p4-6)
  • Sword Dance Union? (p7-8)


This issue covers various events and performances by the Kirkburton Rapier Dancers, including their European tour to Aachen, Germany. It highlights their participation in traditional sword dancing events and mumming plays. The issue also reviews the new book “The Return of the Blue Stots” by Chas. Marshall and Stuart Rankine, detailing its exploration of traditional folk drama in Yorkshire. Additionally, the issue discusses the historical and contemporary significance of sword plays, emphasizing their role in the mumming tradition and the importance of maintaining these cultural practices.

Featured sides

Sides in this issue include the Kirkburton Rapier Dancers, who performed in Aachen and Valkenburg. The Spen Valley team, which fielded two teams on December 26, is also highlighted. Additionally, the Barnsley Longsword Dancers and Handsworth teams are mentioned, with specific attention to their recruitment and performances. The newly formed St. Aidan’s Rapper team, based in Halifax, is also featured.

Featured events

Key events mentioned include the Kirkburton Rapier Dancers’ performances in Aachen, Germany, and Valkenburg, Holland. The Boar’s Head Day event on January 8 in Halifax, featuring the St. Aidan’s Rapper team, is also highlighted. Another significant event is the DERT (Dancing England Rapper Tournament) held on March 5 in Preston, Lancashire. The issue also notes performances by Barnsley Longsword Dancers on Boxing Day and the Handsworth team’s activities on 27 December.


#Editor: Andrew Kennedy
#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB), 14(1),

#rattleupmyboys #rattleupmyboys_s14.1

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