About this issue of "Rattle Up My Boys"

Summary: Series 8 Issue 3

Published: Autumn 1999

Editor: Trevor Stone


This issue features detailed accounts of sword dancing events in Croatia, Richmond, Traunstein, and the upcoming Sword Spectacular Festival in Whitby. The publication includes reports on the history and significance of these dances, the cultural context of each location, and the intricate details of the performances. Highlights include the annual carnival event on Lastovo Island, the historical dance from Richmond, and the meticulously choreographed Traunstein dance. The issue also provides information on new sword suppliers and updates on the Millennium Sword Spectacular Festival.

Featured sides

Kompanija Pupnat, Croatia; Orion Swords, Boston, Mass., USA; Velocirapper, Boston, Mass., USA; Jack the Rapper, Norway; Danza de Espadas Redondela, Galicia, Spain

Featured events

Carnival event on Lastovo Island; Sword Spectacular in Whitby; Traunstein Easter Monday Ceremony; Richmond Christmas Sword Dance; Sword dance at the Sword Spectacular Festival


#Editor: Trevor Stone
#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB), 8(3),

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