Rattle Up My Boys, 28 (2), May 2021

thumbnail of Issue 2Summary: Series 28 Issue 2 

Published: May 2021

Editor: Jeff Lawson

#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys, 28 (2), May 2021, https://www.morrisfed.org.uk/magazines/rumb/series-28-issue-02/

Featured in this issue:

  • Sword Dance Archive (p2)
  • Editorial (p4)
  • Correspondence (p5)
  • Patient Researches and Mature Observations’: Sword Dance Lectures on Zoom (p6-7)
  • Manchester Morris Dancers’ sword dance experience (p8-9)
  • Rolf Gardiner:< A sword dancer’s perspective? (p10-12)


This issue highlights the preservation of Ivor Allsop’s Sword Dance Archive, documenting Yorkshire longsword traditions and the impact of Gardiner’s work. The issue discusses the Morris Ring Sword Dance Archive’s transformation, current efforts to digitize and make the archive accessible, and upcoming events at the Goathland Hub. It provides historical context, detailed dance notations, and explores the Goathland Plough Stots’ history, offering valuable insights for sword dance enthusiasts and researchers.

Featured sides

This issue features the Manchester Morris Dancers and the Grupo de Folclore da Boa Nova. Their cultural exchange during a festival in Madeira, including performances and collaborative practices, highlights the importance of preserving traditional dances. The Goathland Plough Stots also play a significant role, showcasing their efforts in teaching and maintaining the tradition of sword dancing.

Featured events

Featured events include a festival in Madeira where the Manchester Morris Dancers performed with the Grupo de Folclore da Boa Nova from Funchal. The Goathland Plough Stots’ history and their annual performances in Goathland are also detailed. The issue covers the Manchester team’s participation in the Funchal Christmas Market and their performance in Ribeira Brava, showcasing traditional dances in various picturesque locations on the island.


#Editor: Jeff Lawson
#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB), 28(2),

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