About this issue of "Rattle Up My Boys"

Summary: Series 23 Issue 2

Published: February 2016

Editor: Jeff Lawson

Featured in this issue:

  • Midwinter Dance Reports (p1)
  • New Year in Kirkburton (p2)
  • Plough Monday, York (p3)
  • …and a few other places (p3, 12)
  • An Invitation to Dance (p4)
  • Correspondence  (p5)
  • Ben Green obituary (p5)
  • SDU Longsword Competition 2016 (p6)
  • Old English Sword Dancing –  Miner step as nimbly as trained ballet girls (p7)
  • Whitby Folk Week 50 years and counting (p8-9)
  • Papa Stour Heads South (p10-11)
  • Ninety Years of Greensleeves and Longsword (p11)


Highlights of this issue include detailed reports on the annual Midwinter Dance, the prestigious Longsword Tournament in Goathland, and the ‘Celebration of Volunteering’ event in Barnard Castle. Additionally, the magazine covers the unique Papa Stour sword dance performed by Greensleeves Morris Men and the Barney ‘Day of Dance’ in Teesdale. These articles showcase the rich heritage of folk dance, the dedication of young dancers, and the vibrant community spirit that keeps these traditions alive.

Featured sides

This issue highlights performances by the Teesdale Longsword, Greensleeves Morris Men, Kirkburton Rapier Dancers, and Redcar Sword Dancers. These groups demonstrate the diversity and vitality of traditional sword dancing in various events throughout the year.

Featured events

Featured events include the Midwinter Dance in Highburton, the Longsword Tournament in Goathland, the ‘Celebration of Volunteering’ in Barnard Castle, and the Barney ‘Day of Dance’ in Teesdale.


#Editor: Jeff Lawson
#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB), 23(2),

#rattleupmyboys #rattleupmyboys_s23.2

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