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Honorary Life Member – Fee Lock

See list of Honorary Life Members and Friends of the Morris Federation.

Fee Lock, past Secretary of the Morris Federation (2000 – 2021) – Honorary Life Member (2023)

Nomination by MF Committee at our AGM in 2023:

Fee Lock credit Jack SmeeFee Lock was Secretary for The Morris Federation for 22 years (2000-2021), the longest ever serving officer on the committee.

Fee was always a steadying hand on the committee, whose carefully considered contributions often helped to sum-up issues and give us a direction in which to move. Her encyclopaedic knowledge of the membership and her ability to liaise closely with members of the other organisations were of immense benefit to The MF, and her dedication to the role of Secretary, together with her obvious enthusiasm for all things Morris, made her an invaluable member of the committee.

She always offered support over and above her role to new fellow committee members while they found their feet – while also holding down a stressful full-time job.

During her tenure, she saw enormous changes to the work of the committee and to the organisation itself. These include:
• the fight for exemption from the restrictions of the new Licencing Act;
• the formation of the Joint Morris Organisations and the growing collaboration between the three organisations;
• the issue of full-face black makeup;
• the changing world from paper and postal communications to web based online working.

Her work has benefitted all our members and those within the Morris Ring and Open Morris too.

Fee is now co-opted onto the committee as JMO Secretary. We are fortunate to still have her input and the benefit of her years of experience. We would have missed her well-reasoned, pithy comments, her sensitivity, and the way she always asked us “how will this benefit our members?”.

To quote one of the committee – “No one can argue that she has been anything but exceptional”.

Fee Lock HLM 2023 presentationFee Lock received her certificate and badge at the MF AGM in Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire, September 2023.

Photo L-R: Pauline Woods-Wilson (President), Fee Lock


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