About this issue of "Rattle Up My Boys"

Summary: Series 11 Issue 2

Published: Summer 2002

Editor: Trevor Stone

Featured in this issue:

  • A New Dance (p1)
  • The Flamborough Longsword Dance Part 3 (p2-4)
  • Lange Wapper’s Half Lent event (p6)
  • Thoughts on a memorial to Renaat (p7)
  • Lord Conyers’ – “Swords and Spectacles” (p7)
  • A regular writes (p7)
  • Redcar’s “Tomorrow’s History” contribution (p8)
  • Andrew Kennedy to take over (p8)
  • CD of Longsword Tunes (p8)
  • Lange Wapper and Flamborough (p8)


This issue features a newly composed five-man dance by Claro Sword & Morris Men, described as a unique addition to their repertoire. An article explores the history of the Knaresborough Sword Dance, highlighting its ancient origins and recent revival. Additionally, the Flamborough Longsword Dance is extensively covered, detailing various historical references and its significance in local traditions. The publication also includes accounts of events such as the Lange Wapper’s Half Lent event in Antwerp and the performance of a new sword dance by Lord Conyers’ Morris Men in Belgium.

Featured sides

Claro Sword & Morris Men; Flamborough Sword Dancers; Green Ginger Morris; Lord Conyers Morris Men; Lange Wapper’s Team; Flaneburg Garland Clog Dancers.

Featured events

Claro Sword & Morris Men’s Plough Sunday outing; Lange Wapper’s Half Lent event in Antwerp; Lord Conyers’ performance at Passfest in Leuven, Belgium.


#Editor: Trevor Stone
#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB), 11(2),

#rattleupmyboys #rattleupmyboys_s11.2

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