About this issue of "Rattle Up My Boys"

Summary: Series 8 Issue 2

Published: Summer 1999

Editor: Trevor Stone


This issue covers recent events, including special performances and celebrations, as well as efforts to recruit new members for sword dancing teams. Additionally, it features discussions on specific dances and their unique characteristics, shedding light on the traditions preserved in different regions. The analysis aims to provide insights into the origins and development of sword dancing, emphasizing its cultural significance and ongoing practices.

Featured sides

West Riding Longsword; White Boys of Mann; Highside Longsword/Flag and Bone Gang; Spen Valley Longsword; Kirkburton Rapier Dancers; Green Oak Morris Men.

Featured events

St George’s Day; Clog battle; Knur and Spell competition; Whitby Competitive Dance Festival; World Sword Spectacular 2000; Yorkshire Coast Morris Scarborough Fayre weekend.


#Editor: Trevor Stone
#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB), 8(2),

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