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About this issue of "Rattle Up My Boys"

Summary: Series 9 Issue 1

Published: Spring 2000

Editor: Trevor Stone


Featured articles in this issue highlight the reintroduction of the Rolls figure in Handsworth’s dance and new jackets for the Grenoside team. Coverage includes the Christmas period dance events and their adaptations to weather conditions, as well as updates from various teams on their annual performances. The World Millennium Sword Spectacular in Whitby and other notable events such as the Goathland Millennium event and the Plough Sunday dances at Bolton Percy are detailed. This issue also mentions the need for workshop leaders and provides updates on international teams’ activities.

Featured sides

Spen Valley Longsword; Barnsley Longsword; Grenoside Traditional Sword Dancers; Handsworth Traditional Sword Dancers; Kirkburton Rapier Dancers; York Gentlemen; West Riding Longswordsmen; Goathland Plough Stots; Sallyport Sword; Lange Wapper; Baden-Wirttemberg Sword Dancers; Bal do Sabre; Kompanija Pupnat; Volkstanzgruppe St. Martin im Sulmtal; Markinako Zerutxu; Kemen Dantza Taldea; Podsable; Bobkovnici; Orion Sword; Velocirapper; Cwmni Dawns Werin Caerdydd; Ossaart; Uberlinger Schwerttanzkompanie; Volkstanzgruppe Frommern; Volkstanzgruppe Sankt Martin im Suimtal; Gaiteros da Xistra; Kompanija Pupnat.

Featured events

Christmas period dance events; Boxing Day; New Year’s Day; Grenoside Village Traipse; Plough Sunday at Bolton Percy; World Millennium Sword Spectacular in Whitby; Goathland Millennium event; Whitby Competitive Dance Festival; Flamborough’s visit to Antwerp’s Half Lent event; In De Kring visit to Handsworth.


#Editor: Trevor Stone
#Citation: Rattle Up My Boys (RUMB), 9(1),


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