Sponsorship, Grants and Bursaries

thumbnail of Sponsorship-Grant-Bursary-20240414The Morris Federation can provide its members and partner organisations with financial support towards events and activities that support the Aims and Objectives of The Morris Federation, and that is of benefit to The Morris Federation members and/or future members.  The overall amount will vary from year to year, depending on the number and amount of applications, and available funds.

Please see the Sponsorship, Grant and Bursary Policy [PDF] for full details.  Here is the application form in 2 formats (application forms download to your ‘downloads’ folder).

Kit Bags for Loan

We also have morris Kit Bags for loan for use with youth projects – free of charge.  Each bag contains 30 sticks, 30 pairs of hankies, and 30 sets of small bells; plus we have sets of wooden longwords too.  Please Contact Us (use the drop-down for Kit Bags).

Applications for grants are especially welcome for supporting teaching in schools and youth groups.

Here are some of the items for which The Morris Federation has awarded Sponsorship, Grants and Bursaries:

  • Purchase of a portable Maypole for Malkin Morris to teach maypole dancing in schools.
  • Towards provision of tutors to teach morris dancing at the East Sussex Schools Dance Festival (ESSDF).
  • Expenses for Morris teams to attend Dancing England in 2019.
  • Towards equipment for a new team with a high proportion of young members.
  • Towards the running costs of hosting the Morris Dances and Teams Database (MDDB).
  • Towards the setup, publicity and launch of ‘Lore and the Living Archive’.
  • Provision of tutors to teach TradMad, a youth music group, a rapper dance and tunes in order to compete at DERTy.
  • Towards the setup of a clog workshop in the Sheffield area to provide a new supply of clogs when the current generation of clog makers is no longer active.
  • Expenses for two youth members to travel to an overseas booking.
  • Towards publication costs for the book ‘Carnivals, Contests and Coronations’.
  • Towards the Doc Rowe film digitisation project.
  • Towards the Hedge Morris project by Lucy Wright.
  • Equipment for the Soundpost Folk Factory Project in Sheffield for teaching children and young people.

The total funded under this policy was approximately £2,715 in 2023/24, £1,080 in 2022/23, £400 in 2021/22, £80 in 2020/2021, over £1,500 in 2019/2020, £1,800 in 2018/2019, £1,600 in 2017/2018, and £1,550 in 2016.

Last Updated: November 2024

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