The Morris Federation – 21 Years

Celebrating 21 years of the Morris Federation’s growth, inclusivity, and achievements from 1975 to 1996, highlighting diverse Morris teams

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Title: The Morris Federation – 21 Years

Author:  Beth Neill
Publication date: Not known
Status: The text in this document has been OCRed (text can be copied) but has not yet been indexed by search engine.


“The Morris Federation: Twenty-One Years 1975-1996” celebrates the evolution of the Federation from its founding as the Women’s Morris Federation in 1975 to a diverse body with 361 member teams by 1996. The booklet highlights the growth, inclusive changes, and notable achievements of various Morris teams​.


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The Morris Federation – 21 Years, Morris Federation,

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Summary: The Morris Federation: Twenty-One Years 1975-1996” celebrates the evolution of the Federation from its founding as the Women’s Morris Federation in 1975 to a diverse body with 361 member teams by 1996. The booklet highlights the growth, inclusive changes, and notable achievements of various Morris teams​.

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