Morris Dancing and Pageants in Britain 1885-2022

thumbnail of publication-morris-dancing-and-pageants-in-britain-1885-2022David Milner’s publication examines the role and evolution of Morris dancing in British pageants from 1885 to 2022. This draws heavily on the Kings College London project: The Redress of the Past: Historical Pageants in Britain 1905–2016. There are links to sources of evidence, articles, and publications dealing with pageants and their antecedents.

About this document

 Title: Morris Dancing and Pageants in Britain 1885-2022

Author: David Milner
Publication date: 2023
Status: The text in this document has been OCRed (text can be copied) but has not yet been indexed by search engine.


David Milner’s publication, “Morris Dancing and Pageants in Britain 1885–2022,” explores the integration of Morris dancing in British pageants over more than a century. This detailed analysis covers historical context, performance patterns, and geographical distribution. It highlights the evolution of Morris dancing’s role in public pageants, emphasizing cultural and educational significance while tracing its representation in various historical reenactments and local festivities.


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Citation information

Morris Dancing and Pageants in Britain 1885-2022, Morris Federation,

Additional metadata

Summary: This publication explores the integration of Morris dancing in British pageants over more than a century. This detailed analysis covers historical context, performance patterns, and geographical distribution. It highlights the evolution of Morris dancing’s role in public pageants, emphasizing cultural and educational significance while tracing its representation in various historical reenactments and local festivities.

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