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Morris Dancing in Bedfordshire, a Social History, 1900-2023

thumbnail of MorrisDancingInBedfordshireASocialHistory1900-2023ChasLeslie2023This publication charts the development of morris dance in Bedfordshire since the general revival in the early 20th century and relates the development of morris within the county to wider social pressures.

About this document

Title: Morris Dancing in Bedfordshire, a Social History, 1900-2023

Author: Chas Leslie
Publication date: 2023
Status: The text in this document has been OCRed (text can be copied) but has not yet been indexed by search engine.


Morris Dancing in Bedfordshire: A Social History, 1900–2023” by Chas Leslie explores the evolution of Morris dancing in Bedfordshire, from its revival in the early 20th century to modern times. It discusses the influence of social changes, the introduction of various dance styles, and the ongoing debates on equality and diversity within the Morris community.


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Citation information

Morris Dancing in Bedfordshire, a Social History, 1900-2023, Morris Federation,

Additional metadata

Summary: This publication explores the evolution of Morris dancing in Bedfordshire, from its revival in the early 20th century to modern times. It discusses the influence of social changes, the introduction of various dance styles, and the ongoing debates on equality and diversity within the Morris community.

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