Hinton – Traditional and Created Cotswold Morris Dances

thumbnail of publication-hinton-traditional-and-created-cotswold-morris-dancesA comprehensive guide on traditional and created Cotswold Morris dances, detailing steps, movements, and historical context.

About this document

 Title: Hinton – Traditional and Created Cotswold Morris Dances

Author: Sue Swift (researcher)
Publication date: 2001
ISBN: 0 948383 127
Status: The text in this document has been OCRed (text can be copied) but has not yet been indexed by search engine.


This publication, researched by Sue Swift and published by the Morris Federation, explores traditional and created Cotswold Morris dances. It includes detailed descriptions of dances, figures, and movements, historical context, and specific dance notations. The book provides practical instructions on implements, posture, stepping, and hand movements, supplemented by historical research and contemporary practices.


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Title: Hinton – Traditional and Created Cotswold Morris Dances
Publication date:
Publisher: Morris Federation
ISBN: 0 948383 127


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