
18-39 Workshop Weekend (Storrington, West Sussex) [POSTPONED]

Sullington Parish Hall Thakeham Road, Storrington, West Sussex, United Kingdom

We know how hard youth networking can be in the Morris world, and want to help with that, so this one is for the younger members...

Are you a younger dancer or musician between the ages of 18 and 39, or will you be in March 2025? Are you keen to meet, dance alongside and get to know other Morris folks of the same age? Would you like to broaden your horizons and try out other traditions and styles of Morris via a fun, immersive workshop weekend, and make some new friends whilst doing it? If so, this is the event for you! Run by younger folk, exclusively for younger folk, we are going to be hosting our very first 18 - 39 mixed workshop weekend Fri 14th-Sun 16th March 2025, featuring workshops on a variety of styles, and would like YOU to come and be a part of it.

POSTPONED. Click on the name of the event for more info.

DERT (Dancing England Rapper Tournament) 2025 (Peterborough)

Peterborough , United Kingdom

A DERT event. In 2025 it is being held in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, hosted by a Rockingham Rapper. riday night will be a welcome evening. Saturday is the competition day, finishing with awards and followed by a social evening. Sunday the winners host a workshop. Open to all teams from the Morris Federation, Morris Ring, Open Morris, or independent.

BOOKINGS OPEN via the DERT web site. Click on the name of the event for more info.

Joint Morris Organisations’ Day of Dance 2025 (Stockport)


The Joint Morris Organisations (JMO) National Day of Dance is a collaborative event organised in turn by one of the three morris organisations in the UK - The Morris Federation, The Morris Ring, and Open Morris. The day of dance is a celebration of morris and traditional dancing held annually at a different location around the UK.

In 2025 the day of dance is on Saturday 26th April 2025 in Stockport, Greater Manchester, hosted by Adlington Morris Men on behalf of the Morris Ring.

Bookings closed on 12th January; contact the organisers to see if there are spare places available. Click on the name of the event for more info.

Morris Federation 50th Anniversary Day of Dance (Exmouth, Devon)


The Morris Federation and Grimspound Border Morris extend a warm welcome to all members of The Morris Federation to join us in a day of dance in Exmouth, Devon, on Saturday 19th July 2025.

The Morris Federation and host teams are running a series of regional events to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Morris Federation, founded in 1975.

BOOKINGS OPEN! Click on the name of the event for more info and to book your place.

Ripley Day of Dance 2025 (Ripley, Derbyshire)

Ripley, Derbyshire

A Ripley Morris & Ripley Green Garters event.

Celebrating 100 years of Morris Dancing in Ripley. Ripley Morris in partnership with Ripley Green Garters will mark the 100th anniversary of the first recorded instance of morris dancing in Ripley which took place in 1925.  Morris dancing in Ripley evolved from the Ripley Folk Dance club formed in 1925. A Day of Dance will take place in Ripley on Saturday 13th September 2025.  The day will be run on JMO lines with sides dancing around the town. 

Register your interest by 31st Jan 2025. Click on the name of the event for more info.

Morris Federation Day of Dance and AGM 2025 (Sheffield)


The Morris Federation and Sheffield-based teams Five Rivers, Pecsaetan, and Sheffield City Morris and friends extend a warm welcome to all members of The Morris Federation to join us in a day of dance on Saturday 27th September 2025, followed by The Morris Federation's AGM at 4.30pm (4pm sign-in). Activities may also be arranged for the Friday and Saturday nights, and more dancing on the Sunday, depending on interest.

BOOKINGS OPEN until 15th May! Click on the name of the event for more info and to book your place.

Illustrious Order of Fools & Beasts Unconvention 2025 (Otley)

Otley, West Yorkshire

An Illustrious Order of Fools & Beasts event. Open to all budding or experienced Fools, Beasts and Morris Characters from any team from the Morris Federation, Morris Ring, Open Morris, or independent. This year the event will be based in and around Otley, West Yorkshire. Friday night there will be supper, bar, music/dance workshop and singing. The Saturday tour will be in Otley, and on Sunday our AGM and a workshop.

SAVE THE DATE! Click on the name of the event for more info and an application form when it's ready.

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