About this page
This page contains brief details about the video recording; the video (embedded in the page); an abstract for the talk; links to additional resources; speaker biography and a summary.
Video recording of talk
Recording of a Morris Federation talk on “North West ‘Lockdown’ dance” by Hazel Old and Clare Watters held on Zoom on 31 January 2021. The #MorrisFedvideo lasts for 1 hour 25 minutes.
Hazel Old and Clare Watters, with musician Will Pound, teach a North West style dance for 4 socially distanced dancers, written by Hazel Old of Chinewrde Morris during the first lockdown of the 2020 Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic.
Additional resources
Links to related resources:
- Event details
- Review by Rowena Herbert and Rainbow Morris North West team
- Dance notation with suggestions for music (PDF download).
Speaker biography
Chinewrde Morris is based in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Chinewrde have been dancing North West Morris for over 30 years, and are renowned for their energetic and precise dancing style, as well as their distinctive burgundy dresses.
Hazel Old is an experienced member of the team, as well as squire of Mortimer’s Morris.
Clare Watters is foreman of Chinewrde Morris and member of Chiltern Hundreds North West Morris and Tower Ravens Rapper.
- Title: North West ‘Lockdown’ dance
- Speaker: Hazel Old and Clare Watters
- Facilitator: Pauline Woods-Wilson
- Type: dance
- Date of talk: 31 January 2021
- Date page published: 25 April 2023
- Notes:
#MFvideo #MorrisFedvideo #MorrisFedvideos