Code of Conduct for Officers and Co-optees

It is the responsibility of Officers, co-opted members of the Committee and other persons appointed to act on behalf of the Morris Federation to:

Act within the Constitution and Standing Orders and the law.

Act in the best interests of the Morris Federation as a whole – considering what is best for the organisation and its members and avoiding bringing the Morris Federation into disrepute.

Manage conflicts of interest effectively – understanding what constitutes a conflict of interest, declaring and resolving such conflicts.

Respect confidentiality – understand what may and may not be made public (and how, and when), and the use of the Chatham House Rule.

Attend meetings or give apologies – considering other ways of engaging if regularly unable to attend committee meetings.

Prepare fully for meetings and complete agreed actions – reading papers, querying anything you don’t understand, thinking through issues in good time, completing actions agreed in a timely fashion.

Actively engage in discussion, debate and voting – contributing positively at and outside meetings, listening carefully, challenging sensitively, handling disagreement professionally and avoiding conflict.

Act jointly and accept a majority decision – making decisions collectively, standing by them and not acting individually unless specifically authorised to do so.

Work considerately and respectfully with all – respecting diversity, different roles and boundaries, and avoiding giving offence.

I understand that I am expected to honour the content and spirit of this code.





Current Officers should sign once the code is agreed and if it changes.

New Officers should sign on their appointment or at their first committee meeting.

Co-optees (etc.) should sign on their appointment.

Last updated: January 2024

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