Talk – “A History of Mumming” – Stephen Rowley
In the last 20 years significant advances have been made in understanding the origins of mumming and mummers plays. The ‘pagan’ fertility ritual of life and death theory has been thoroughly rebutted and shown to be a misguided scholastic invention of the 1880s. Examination of the evidence reveals a rich and colourful story of traditions with threads extending far beyond the shores of Britain.
Talk for approx 50 mins then time for Q&A
Your host
Stephen Rowley founded the Mummers Symposium in 2011 – an annual meeting of mummers, folklorists and academic researchers from around the world. He is also a musician and dancer, founder of the International Mummers Festival, the International Pipe and Tabor Festival, and The Taborers Society. He has performed and taught widely in Europe, USA, Russia and Australia. He has a particular interest in the festival procession dances of the Iberian peninsular and their music.
To register
Please complete this online form: Register for the Talk – A History of Mumming; you will receive a confirmation email immediately (check your spam/junk/promotions folder!). We will send you a Zoom link a couple of days before the event. Open to all – you don’t have to be a member of a team in The Morris Federation.
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