Image by Peter Lomas from Pixabay
Workshop – “Recruitment Ideas and Experiences” – a JMO event
Recruitment is always a hot topic for morris sides/teams.
The JMO (*) is hosting a panel from across all 3 morris organisations, to share their tips and experiences of what has worked well for their team/side. Each speaker will speak for around 15-20 minutes then time for Q&A before moving on to the next speaker.
Topics we plan to cover will include:
- Ant Veal (Beltane) – Survey of recruitment avenues; Communicating with 20k+ Facebook followers;
- Michael Stimpson (Phoenix) – Recruiting whilst dancing out; Giving talks; Printing cards;
- Dan de la Bedoyere (Glastonbury) – Using Facebook Business Suite; YouTube; Tik Tok;
- Ollie Simons (Peterborough) – Aims of practising and recruitment drives (setting an event as a target); Associations with other local organisations.
Please bring your own ideas and experiences to share, too.
Your hosts
Ant Veal of Beltane Border Morris, a member of Open Morris
Michael Stimpson of Phoenix Morris, a member of all 3 morris organisations
Dan de la Bedoyere of Glastonbury Border Morris, a member of the Morris Federation
Ollie Simons of Peterborough Morris, a member of the Morris Ring
To register
Please complete this online form: Register for the Workshop – “Recruitment Ideas and Experiences” – a JMO event; you will receive a confirmation email immediately (check your spam/junk/promotions folder!). We will send you a Zoom link a couple of days before the event. Open to all – you don’t have to be a member of a team in The Morris Federation.
A summary of the ideas and experiences will be available following the meeting.
(*) JMO = Joint Morris Organisations