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Launch of the IT Resources Section

What social media services do morris sides use to recruit new dancers?”  

If I search for ‘morris sides near me’ I don’t see my side. What do I need to do?” 

We lost access to side’s old email account sometime ago.  How do we ensure the same thing doesn’t happen with our new Instagram account?” 

Could we use TikTok to appeal to a new generation of recruits?” 

These are questions which sides may be asking – especially if an AGM will be held shortly, new officers are to be appointed and recruitment is a top priority for your side. 

The IT Resources section of the Morris Federation website has been launched in order to provide answers to these and similar questions. 

In addition to the advisory pages, there are also a number of surveys which summarises how sides are using Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Wikipedia with other surveys planned. 

There are also a number of case studies in which sides describe their experiences in setting up and managing their IT services. The first four case studies provided for the launch are by Northgate Rapper (on their use of Facebook) and Rampant Rooster Morris, Adderbury Morris Men and Wyld Morris (which give overviews of their use of online services). 

We hope you find these resources useful.

We welcome your feedback on the resources and suggestions for other areas which should be addressed.

And we invite contributions for further case studies.

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