Morris on May Day on Guernsey

Belles and Broomsticks Morris in Guernsey danced out on May Day, not having to adhere to any local restrictions, and sent us this message to teams in the UK: “It’s […]
Liberation Lockdown in Guernsey

Are Belles and Broomsticks Morris in Guernsey the first morris side to dance out this season without having to social distance or follow any other restrictions? They gave us this […]
Play celebrates Sidmouth Women heroes and the Fatberger

New mummers/guisers play celebrates Sidmouth Women heroes and the Fatberger! A brand new traditional mummers/guisers play was released for Midsummer that celebrates Sidmouth Women across the ages. Local storyteller and […]
Clog dancers unite online for mass performance

With their traditional May Bank Holiday event cancelled, Hadrian Clog decided they would still take the opportunity to dance together, if only virtually. On Monday 25th May they gathered online […]