Using Digital for Recruitment and Marketing: No IT Expertise Needed!

This page contains brief details about the video recording; the video (embedded in the page); an abstract for the talk; links to additional resources; speaker biography and summary.

Note rather than watching the videos we recommend reading the following summaries:

Video recording of talk

Recording of a rehearsal of Morris Federation talk on “Using Digital for Recruitment and Marketing” by Brian Kelly held on Zoom on 10 December  2023.

The first video lasts for 24 minutes and the second for 42 minutes.. 


Note the following videos have timestamps which means that if you view the video on YouTube you can jump directly to a chapter of interest.  Open the description field to see the chapters.

Part 1 – Supporting the discovery of information about your side

Part 2 – Exploiting the Potential of Video


Morris dancing is fun; you know that. The name ‘morris’ is well-known: “Oh look – it’s morris dancers” will be a cry uttered by many who see dance spots (and even rapper dancers have probably been asked “Which one’s Maurice?”).  And yet it seems many sides seem to be struggling to get new members. 

Over the past two years the Morris Federation has been exploring ways in which digital technologies can be used to support marketing and recruitment activities. 

We know that many (although by no means all) sides have limited technical expertise – or interests in spending time in front of a computer (or typing information into a small smart phone). So the focus of our work has been on developments to the Morris Federation’s Teamfinder service – all you need to do is to add content to your profile (and if you have problems doing that – perhaps on a small phone – you can contact us so we can explore alternatives)  

We now have evidence from about 100 early adopters of the benefits of providing rich descriptions in their side’s Teamfinder profile – Google “#poachermorris” to see how a single search term, the side’s hashtag, can be used to provide access to the side’s main profile pages and embedded videos! Note that if you add a hashtag for your side to your profile you can include this in posters and flyers – and even announce “If you’ve taken photos of videos of our dance display tag them ‘hash ambridge morris’ if you share them online” (use your side’s hashtag!) 

Or use a search query likely to be used by potential new dancers such as “looking for friendly mixed morris side in Dorset 

But in order to convert those with a general interest into potential recruits it’s best to make use of video clips showing your side performing. 

A Google search for  #swanagefolkfestival video” should find clips of #MendipMorris, #GarstonGallopers and #SarumMorris who contributed to one of three videos which promoted this year’s Swanage Folk Festival.  

This provides an example of how we can provide video content for an online community (those with an interest in a folk festival) which also promotes the featured dance side. In this example the videos were amongst the most watched Morris Federation videos of the year – and reached an audience beyond popular Morris dance Facebook groups.

Additional resources

Links to related resources:

Speaker biography

Brian Kelly joined the Newcastle Kingsmen in 1978 and performed with them at festivals throughout the UK and Across Europe. He has danced with several other sword and Cotswold Morris sides but now dances a few times a year with Haymarket Rapper.

In his professional career  Brian helped set up the UK’s first university website and spent 17 years as a national web adviser to UK Universities, advising them on best practices for using the Web.  In his retirement Brian is now advising Morris Federation sides on how they can use digital technologies for recruitment and marketing.


  • Title: Using Digital for Recruitment and Marketing: No IT Expertise Needed!
  • Speaker:  Brian Kelly
  • Facilitator: Pauline Woods-Wilson
  • Type: IT
  • Date of talk: 19 December 2023
  • Date page published: 19 December 2023
  • Date updated: 26 December 2024 (adding links to summaries)

 #MFvideo #MorrisFedvideo  #MorrisFedvideos  #MFDDT

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