About this page
This page contains brief details about the video recording; the video (embedded in the page); an abstract for the talk; links to additional resources and a summary.
Video recording of talk
Recording of a Morris Federation panel session on “Recruitment Ideas and Experiences” held on Zoom on 26 February 2023. The #MorrisFedvideo lasts for 1 hour 57 minutes.
Recruitment is always a hot topic for morris sides/teams.
Here we host a panel from across all 3 morris organisations, to share their tips and experiences: Michael Stimpson of Phoenix Morris, a member of all 3 morris organisations; Ollie Simons of Peterborough Morris, a member of the Morris Ring; Dan de la Bedoyere of Glastonbury Border Morris, a member of the Morris Federation; Ant Veal of Beltane Border Morris, a member of Open Morris
Additional resources
Links to related resources:
- Recruitment Ideas & Experiences – Workshop summary [PDF] – a great summary of the workshop, collated by Michael Stimpson (Phoenix Morris)
- Recruitment Ideas for teams
- Title: Recruitment Ideas and Experiences
- Speakers: Ant Veal (Beltane Border Morris); Michael Stimpson (Phoenix Morris); Dan de la Bedoyere (Glastonbury Border Morris) and Ollie Simons (Peterborough Morris)
- Facilitator: Pauline Woods-Wilson
- Type: panel
- Date of talk: 26 February 2023
- Date page published: 19 April 2023
- Video edited by: Brian Kelly
#MFvideo #MorrisFedvideo #MorrisFedvideos