About This Document
This document gives a survey of use of YouTube by morris and related traditional dance sides, based on information provided in profiles on the Morris Federation Teamfinder service.
Summary of Findings
A survey of use of the YouTube channels listed by sides in the Morris Federation’s Teamfinder service was carried out using data initially collected on 13 August 2021 (and updated with details on number of new accounts which were added before 31 August).
A total of 21 channels were listed.
Twelve of the channels have received over 1,000 views. These are listed below.
Channel | No. of views | No. of subscribers | No. of videos |
Westminster Morris Men | 123,072 | 108 | 37 |
Knights of King Ina | 15,032 | 60 | 102 |
Hook Eagle Morris Men | 14,265 | 21 | 113 |
Rampant Rooster | 10,009 | 21 | 41 |
Makeney Morris | 7,683 | 26 | 32 |
Oakenhoof Voluntary Arts Organisation | 5,730 | 25 | 69 |
Belles of London City | 5,316 | 29 | 6 |
Hadrian Clog | 3,966 | 18 | 12 |
Dr Turberville’s Morris | 2,618 | 16 | 46 |
Brighton Morris | 2,262 | 27 | 34 |
Anonymous Morris | 1,807 | 19 | 10 |
St Albans Morris | 1,781 | 2 | 1 |
Wyld Morris | 1,774 | 11 | 56 |
TOTALS | 195,315 | 383 | 559 |
Based on a more detailed analysis of the YouTube channels listed above we found:
- Three channels have a branded URL (rather than a random string of characters). These are www.youtube.com/user/westminstermorrismen, www.youtube.com/c/hookeaglemorris/ and www.youtube.com/user/makeneymorris.
- The oldest YouTube channel was created by Westminster Morris Men and was set up in February 2008.
- The Hook Eye Morris Men YouTube channel was set up in 2009.
- Other channels were set up in 2012 (Hadrian Clog and Brighton Morris), 2013 (Knights of King Ina), 2014 (Makeney Morris and Belles of London City), 2015 (Oakenhoof Folk Arts), 2017 (Dr Turberville’s Morris), 2019 (Anonymous Morris and St Albans Morris) and 2020 (Wyld Morris).
- The figures for St Albans Morris seem confusing and suggest videos may have been deleted.
Regarded the video content provided:
- Anonymous Morris’s 10 videos are of public performances and last between 2 and 7 minutes
- The Belles of London City channel hosts 6 videos including one (“This is a Public Service Announcement“) which has been viewed over 4,500 times.
- Dr Turberville’s Morris’s 46 videos are mostly of public performances but also include a couple of recordings of practices and one of “Turbs being silly (as usual)”.
- The Hook Eagle Morris Men channel hosts 114 videos, including videos dating back to 2010.
- The Knights of King Ina channel hosts 10 playlists, which feature videos for a number of workshops, dating back to 2013.
- The Oakenhoof Folk Arts channel features videos of a variety of clog dance routines.
- The Westminster Morris Men channel features a number of interesting playlists including The Archives (“Old recordings of performances dredged up from the mists of time“); Top class hanky & stick work (featuring other sides’ performances); Friends of ours as well as My Top Videos (a selection of Westminster Morris Men’s performances).
- The Wyld Morris channel includes a Wyld Morris Video Show playlist which features the 35+ weekly video shows which have been published during Wyld Morris’s 10th anniversary year.
When Westminster Morris Men launched their YouTube channel in 2008 creating video content was no easy and if you view the first video of “Westminster Morris Men: Constant Billy (Headington Quarry)” published in February 2008 you will probably notice the grainy effect and the blurred faces. And yet this video has been viewed over 2,500 times, thus helping promote the side as well as providing a documentary record of how the side performed that dance over a decade ago.
Now with the widespread availability of smart phones and digital cameras, as well as more sophisticated apps for creating and editing videos there is great potential for making more use of video recordings.
We also know that video content is much more popular than it used to be, with video streaming services such as YouTube and Vimeo as well as the streaming potential provided by social media services such as Facebook and the growing popularity of Instagram for sharing videos all providing a much greater user base then was the case in the past.
Setting up a YouTube Channel
If you decide it is now timely to set up a YouTube channel here are some issues to consider:
- As described in a document on “Governance of Online Systems” you should ensure you address governance issues, such as who will manage the account.
- Another governance aspect will be the purpose of the channel, including the type(s) of video content to be published. You could decide that only high quality videos of excellent performances are published, or you may be willing to publish videos taken on smart phones, and include dances in which mistakes are made. You may decide to restrict the scope to dances, or for the channel to have a wider remit.
- YouTube videos are great for allowing the general public to see and share your videos. But you could also restrict access to your videos in a number of ways, which may be useful for other purposes.
- If you wish your channel to act as a marketing tool you will need to promote the channel.
- If you wish to have adverts on your channel.
Updating Your Team’s Profile on the Morris Federation’s Teamfinder
If you decide to create a YouTube channel (or if you have one which is not listed) we encourage you to add a link to the channel on your side’s profile on the Morris Federation’s Teamfinder service.
Page created: 17 Aug 2021
Last updated: 1 Sept 2021
Changes made: Updated data with details of 1 new account and updated the totals
Page author: Brian Kelly