Survey: Use of YouTube (2023)

About This Document

This document gives an update survey of use of YouTube by morris and related traditional dance sides, based on information provided in profiles on the Morris Federation Teamfinder service.

Key Change Since 2022

Recently YouTube announced the availability of short names (‘handles’) so that YouTube accounts with addresses such as now have a tailored address such as

Even better, the numbers (typically 4 digits) found at the end can be removed or the handle edited in other ways, so that a YouTube address could be aligned with then name of a side’s other social media accounts.

A document on how to Create a Personalised Name (Handle) for your YouTube Account is available – and note that we have already found that at least one side’s preferred YouTube handle is no longer available, as it has already been claimed. We therefore recommend that side’s check their YouTube account name and update it to a preferred form as soon as possible.

YouTube Accounts Listed on Teamfinder

A total of 30 sides have provided details of their official YouTube channel on the Teamfinder service. Of these 18 have (updated from 16 in May 2023) removed superfluous numbers from their handle so they have a shorter and more memorable address as can be seen in bold in the list of the YouTube handles below.

Adderbury Morris Men (@adderburymorrismen7254); Anonymous Morris (@anonymousmorrispoole); Belles of London City (@bellesoflondoncity); Bow Brook Border Morris (@bowbrookbordermorris); Brighton Morris (@brightonmorris); Cardiff Morris (@CardiffMorris); Dr Turberville’s Morris (@drturbervillesmorris8855); Fiddlesticks North West Clog (@fiddlesticksclog); Five Rivers Morris (@fiveriversmorris); Glastonbury Border Morris Dancers (@glastonburymorris); Hadrian Clog (@hadrianclog); Haymarket Rapper (@haymarketrapper); Hook Eagle Morris Men (@hookeaglemorris); Knaresborough Mummers (@knaresboroughmummers7690); Knights of King Ina (@kingina2921); Makeney Morris (@makeneymorris); Misfit Molly (@misfitmollys); Offcumduns Border Morris (@offcumduns); Owlswick Morris (@owlswickmorris8211); Pecsaetan Morris (@pecsaetanmorris6302); Rampant Rooster Morris (@rampantrooster5536); Red Cuthbert Morris (@redcuthbert8883); Rivington Morris (@rivingtonmorris); Standon Morris (@standonmorris7643); Tegeingl Tanglers (@tegeingltanglers3418); Tower Ravens Rapper (@towerravens2931); Westminster Morris Dancers (@westminstermorris); Whangarei City Morris Dancers (@whangareicitymorrisdancers); Wreckers Morris Border Side (@wreckersbordermorris7541); Wyld Morris (@wyldmorris).

Summary of Findings

An initial survey of use of the YouTube channels listed by sides in the Morris Federation’s Teamfinder service was carried out using data initially collected in August 2021. At the time a total of 21 channels were listed. Twelve of the channels had received over 1,000 views. A follow-up survey was carried out in March 2022. The most recent survey was carried out on 4 January 2023.

A comparison of the findings from the surveys is given below. Note that new entries in this list are Cardiff Morris, Tower Ravens and Five Rivers Morris (Tower Ravens joined the Morris Federation about a year ago).

Also note that the number of videos published may not be accurate as short videos are now listed separately and it is too time-consuming to count the number of videos in some cases!

  Channel No. of views
2023 (2022) (2021)
No. of
No. of
1 Westminster Morris Men (@westminstermorris) 136,220
2 Cardiff Morris (@CardiffMorris) 55,256 49 Many
3 Knights of King Ina (@kingina2921) 19,978
4 Hook Eagle Morris Men (@hookeaglemorris) 15,440
5 Rampant Rooster (@rampantrooster5536) 11,229
6 Makeney Morris (@makeneymorris) 9,051
7 Tower Ravens (@towerravens2931) 6,412 28 Many
8 Belles of London City (@bellesoflondoncity) 5,582
9 Hadrian Clog (@hadrianclog) 5,361
10 Five Rivers Morris (@fiveriversmorris) 4,642 34 18
11 Wyld Morris (@wyldmorris) 4,420
12 Adderbury Morris Men (@adderburymorrismen7254) 3,842
13 Dr Turberville’s Morris (@drturbervillesmorris8855) 3,339
14 Anonymous Morris (@AnonymousMorrisPoole) 3,087
15 Brighton Morris (@brightonmorris) 2,896
16 St Albans Morris (@stalbansmorris) 3,674
17 Standon Morris (@standonmorris7643) 1,671
  TOTALS 292,100
Not available
Table 1: The Most Popular YouTube Channels

Updating Your Team’s Profile on the Morris Federation’s Teamfinder

If you decide to create a YouTube channel (or if you have one which is not listed) we encourage you to add a link to the channel on your side’s profile on the Morris Federation’s Teamfinder service.

Page author: Brian Kelly
Page created: 5 Jan 2023
Last updated: 18 Jan 2023 (updated list of sides with short YouTube URLs was 13 and is now 16);
28 May 2023 (updated list of sides with short YouTube URLs:  was 16 and is now 18)

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