About This Document

This document provides a survey of TikTok accounts used by Morris Federation sides which are listed in their Teamfinder profile followed by a discussion of the findings. Note a case study on “How Sides Are Using TikTok” provides further information on how five of the sides featured in this survey (Ravens Morris, Chelmsford Morris, Sheffield Steel Rapper, Devizes Jubilee Morris and Shrewsbury Morris) make use of TikTok.


About Use of TikTok

Morris dancing (in all its varieties) is an experience which is best experienced live. However if this is not possible use of multimedia services can provide a feeling of the  visual and audio experiences – and this can be valuable for sides in recruiting new members and being invited to bookings.

Recent morris surveys has shown that the average age of morris sides is increasing, with over half of dancers aged 60 or over! In addition the overall number of dancers has fallen since COVID. The key question facing many sides is “how do we attract younger dancers?

In 2020 a survey of Internet users who use TikTok in the UK  shows that 24% are aged 15-25 and 18% are aged 26-45.  This suggests that TikTok may provide a means of reaching a younger audience, for both showing what a cool fun activity morris dancing can be and, potentially, encouraging potential dancers to make contact with a side. 

How Are Early Adopters Using TikTok

Launching a digital service for the first time can be a daunting prospect! To help sides thinking about launching a TikTok account (and sides with an account who would like to see how their service could be enhanced) ) this document looks at the TikTok accounts for 28 sides which have listed their TikTok service on their Teamfinder profile.  

TikTok Survey

The following survey was carried out on 26 May 2024.  The table includes:

  • Links to sides’ Teamfinder profile and their TikTok accounts
  • A summary of the number of followers the accounts have and the number of ‘likes’ they have received
  • Links to TikTok videos which are felt to be of particular interest 
  • Up to 4 of the hashtags used for the videos (with links to similarly tagged hashtags based on the dance style).
  • Links to TikTok for the side based on the side’s hashtag as listed in the “Survey of Use of Hashtags to Identify Morris Federation Sides“.

SideTikTokFollowersLikesExamplesHashtags (up to 4 listed)Side hashtag search
Belle d’ Vain@belle_d_vain_morris13679Photos and music Uses a pop song (936 views)#morrisdancing #traditional
Boss Morris@bossmorrisdancers2,04832,000Gnomes at the Stones (79K views; 11K likes) #morrisdancing
#gnomes #stonecircle
The Britannia Morris@thebritanniamorris162248The Bride Stripped Bare (Haste to the Wedding) 2 mins of Cotswold dance, original music
CHELMSFORD MORRIS@chelmsfordmorris2231088We are Chelmsford Morris! : Introduces the side, from a practice to clips of stick and hankie dances – in 1 min 51 secs video#chelmsfordmorris
Cracklewick Morris@cracklewickmorris7275Cracklewick Morris have a very unusual and different colourful kit:
a different take and music!
Devizes Jubilee Morris@devizesjubileemorris139659Are You Ready? 13 secs slow-motion #devizesjubileemorris
#fyp #foryou
Fiddlesticks North West Clog@fiddlesticksclog115244Wicky Bear was bustin’ some moves in our audience workshop: bear has generated interest of this display (1m30s)#fiddlesticksclog
Five Rivers Morris@fiveriverssheffield3836When you’re a Morris dancer but also look a bit like a pirate#morrisdancing
#jacksparrow #sheffield
Fool’s Gambit Morris@foolsgambitmorris2481714and if Chinewrde Morris say they noticed us make any mistakes, they’re lying, we’re perfect : jokey 26 secs clip featuring several dancers saying “zero”#folk #morrisdancing
Glastonbury Border Morris Dancers@glastonburymorris2741,241look forward to dancing at Market Cross for Glastonbury Pride: 32 secs clip featuring photos and poster for a PRIDE event #glastonburymorris
#glastonburybordermorris #bordermorris
Huginn and Muninn@hugmug_morris200659JMO day of dance and nearby protests 22 sec clip moving from dance display to a protest
Ironmen and Severn Gilders@ironmen.squire4571Evesham Morris weekend 2023: Series of photos from a dance event
Lodestone Border Morris@lodestonebordermorris174808Introducing Lodestone Border Morris. (Part one): Photos and captions from side members (part 1 of 3)#morris #lodestone
Makeney Morris@makeneymorris6830Hey TikTok fam! Check out these amazing
Cotswold Morris dancers from Makeney Morris
: 30 secs clip
#CotswoldMorris #NorthWestMorris
Mersey Morris@mersey_morris_men14065Finally finished editing and putting together
the videos from the france tour
: 1 minute video clip featuring various dance displays
#morrisdancing #france2022#MerseyMorris
Mythago Morris@mythago6138101Mythago – thanks to Elena of the Ways, …: 1 min clip featuring videos and photos and music from side#mythago #mythagomorris
#bordermorris #morrisdancing
Newcastle Kingsmen@newcastlekingsmen135311Getting some practice in for #dert
and entertaining the Saturday night crowds of Newcastle
: 3 min clip of dance
Northgate Rapper@northgaterapper251760When you don’t have a full team yet, you make the best of it: If you don’t have the numbers to dance you can still create a video clip!#northgaterapper #rapper
Raddon Hill Clog Morris@raddon.hill.clog.m459Now whilst this may not be us supporting Wet Leg at the Brits it’s the next best thing! : Dancing on stage (35 secs)#RaddonHillClogMorris
Ravens Morris@ravensmorris163477What a great weekend at Bridlington we have had dancing: 30 sec clip (worth watching)#morrisdancing #morrisdancer #morrisdancersofengland #morrisdancersoftiktok#RavensMorris
Red Cuthbert Morris@redcuthbert74157A song to welcome #MayDay2024: 30 sec clip of dancer singing#FolkSong
Sheffield Steel Rapper@sheffieldsteelrapper7377,5923 dances down! 3 to go!: 4mins256 secs clip of rapper dance in pub – 92.9K views!#DERT2024
Shrewsbury Morris@shrewsburymorrisdancers4682,850Shrewsbury Morris had there Boot camp last weekend,
so of course there was loads of cake!
: “We’re morris dancers …” jokey clip
#morrisbells #morriskit
Wakefield Morris Dancers@wakefieldmorrisdancers242858Wakefield Rhubarb festival 2024: 1 min 40s clips from festival (includes young people dancing)#morrisdancing
#rackaback #wakefieldrhubarbfestival
Wickham Morris@wickham_morris160488Last week at the Victory Inn, Hamble!: Clips of side dancing (1,500+ views in first 2 days)#WickhamMorris
#FolkDance #Cotswold
Wild Moon Morris@wild.moon.morris161146Wild Moon Morris had our first ever dance out at the Bath:
Great for a side to record there first public performance with such a good video lasting 30 secs
#folk #folkmusic
Wolfshead and Vixen@whv_morris2361,355vixens on May morning:
A min 50 secs clip of dance (3,000+ views)


Looking at the video clips posted on the TikTok accounts show that a number of different approaches are being taken such as conventional clips of dances, practices, montages of dance displays, use of photos, a variety of background music and sounds and inclusion of interesting ‘features’ (young children and bears!). Some of the clips appear to have been taken by a professional photographer using a hi-spec camera – but others were probably taken by a dancer using a personal smart camera.

It was interesting looking at the hashtags used to maximise access to the clips – some are related to the side’s name and the type of dance; others to the event with a number of other hashtag seeming to have more idiosyncratic purposes!

The statistics of the numbers of views (given for the most widely viewed clips) indicate the potential popularity of TikTok clips but it should be noted that even sides which post very poplar clips will also have clips with significantly smaller number of views. 

What Can You Do?

Some suggestions:

  • If your side has a TikTok account you should ensure details are included in your profile on the Morris Federation’s Teamfinder service.
  • If you are considering setting up a TikTok account to help promote your site you may find it useful to gain inspiration by looking at how sides are using TikTok. 
  • If you have dance events coming up, take some videos so you will have fresh content to use.
  • Look at the Survey of Hashtags for Dance Styles to identify relevant hashtags which will help aggregate videos of similar dance traditions.  
  • Look at the Survey: Use of Hashtags to Identify Morris Federation Sides to see TikTok videos which members of the public may have taken of sides which have added their side’s hashtag to their profile (and add a hashtag for your side if you currently don’t have one).
  • Join the Digital for Dance Teams Facebook group so you can discuss best practices for use of TikTok with others.

Status of this Document

Document: 31 May 2024

Licence for this Document

This document is available with a Creative Commons Sharealike (CC-BY) licence. In brief, this means you can copy and make changes to this document provided you give acknowledgements to the author/publisher. A suggested wording for acknowledgements is:

This document is based on the "Survey: Use of TikTok (2024)" document by Brian Kelly, Comms and IT volunteer with the Morris Federation.

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