Workshops, etc

The morris is recognised by the public as something essentially English, but in Britain it is a living form, not exhibited as a cultural museum, as are older dances so often seen displayed by troupes from Europe. As one of the performing arts it is ephemeral, needing to be constantly recreated to exist.

Roy Dommett’s Workshops and the Advanced Cotswold Weekends 1986-2014

A single source for notes, videos etc from some of the many workshops and weekend instructionals we have run over the years.

If you have video, audio or written notation from an MF instructional, especially those run by Roy Dommett, we would love to have copies for this site please!  Contact notation–at–

Workshops/”instructionals” by year

With exception of How Hill 1986, Unknown 1987, Sparkford 1996, and Hawley 2014, most of these videos were filmed by simply plonking a camera down in the corner of the room.  Accordingly the sound quality is often appalling and the video may fail to capture essential action.  Nonetheless, these are important historical records that can still play today the role they were intended to play all those years ago: to stimulate thought and provide inspiration to dancers and their teams.

(These weekends were not the work of any one person but we would like to thank Tony Forster and then Beth Neill, in particular, for making so many of them happen, especially in the later years.)

Talks by Roy Dommett:

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