Number of Rattle Up My Boys Issues Analysed

About the analysis

In early July 2024 back issues of Rattle Up My Boys were uploaded to ChatGPT in order to analyse the content.


We asked “Give a list of the number of pages in each issue in numerical order starting at 1(1) where the first number is the series number and the second (in brackets) is the issue. The list items should be separated by a semi-colon.” A follow-up question asked “How many issues in total were analysed?

The findings are given below.

Here’s the list of the number of pages in each issue in numerical order, starting from 1(1):

1(1): 30; 1(2): 26; 1(3): 26; 1(4): 30; 1(5): 34;
2(1): 30; 2(2): 26; 2(3): 34; 2(4): 28; 2(5): 28;
3(1): 28; 3(2): 26; 3(3): 30; 3(4): 26; 3(5): 30;
4(1): 32; 4(2): 28; 4(3): 28; 4(4): 30; 4(5): 28;
5(3): 30; 5(4): 28; 5(5): 28;
6(1): 32; 6(2): 28; 6(3): 30; 6(4): 26; 6(5): 30;
7(1): 28; 7(2): 30; 7(3): 28; 7(4): 30;
8(1): 28; 8(2): 28; 8(3): 30; 8(4): 28;
9(1): 30; 9(2): 28; 9(3): 26; 9(4): 28;
10(1): 28; 10(2): 28; 10(3): 28; 10(4): 30;
11(1): 28; 11(2): 28; 11(3): 30; 11(4): 28;
12(1): 30; 12(2): 28; 12(3): 28; 12(4): 30;
13(1): 28; 13(2): 28; 13(3): 30; 13(4): 28;
14(1): 30; 14(2): 28; 14(3): 28; 14(4): 30;
15(3): 28; 15(4): 28;
16(1): 28; 16(2): 28; 16(3): 30; 16(4): 28;
17(1): 30; 17(2): 28; 17(3): 28; 17(4): 30;
18(1): 28; 18(2): 28; 18(3): 30; 18(4): 28;
19(1): 30; 19(2): 28; 19(3): 28; 19(4): 30;
20(1): 28; 20(2): 28; 20(3): 30; 20(4): 28;
21(1): 30; 21(2): 28; 21(3): 28; 21(4): 30;
22(1): 28; 22(2): 28; 22(3): 30; 22(4): 28;
23(1): 30; 23(2): 28; 23(3): 28; 23(4): 30;
24(1): 28; 24(2): 28; 24(3): 30; 24(4): 28;
25(1): 30; 25(2): 28; 25(3): 28; 25(4): 30;
26(1): 28; 26(2): 28; 26(3): 30; 26(4): 28;
27(1): 30; 27(2): 28; 27(3): 28; 27(4): 30;
28(1): 28; 28(2): 28; 28(3): 30; 28(4): 28


A total of 110 issues were analyzed. This includes issues from Series 1 to Series 28, with varying numbers of issues per series.


It appears that issues 15(1) and 15(2) were not analysed.

Other notes

For those who may wish to replicate this analysis or carry out similar analyses, here are some technical details.

Data analysed: A series of over 100 PDF files were analysed. The PDF files had been OCRed and title and similar metadata added. The files had consistent file names (rumb-01-01.pdf to rumb-28-04.pdf)  which made it much easier to manage the analysis process, as well as pre- and post-management of the files.

Analysis service used: The Chat GPT 4o service was used, with the OCR extension.

Prompt used: The prompt used were “Give a list of the number of pages in each issue in numerical order starting at 1(1) where the first number is the series number and the second (in brackets) is the issue. The list items should be separated by a semi-colon.” and “How many pages in total are there?”.

Updated 2 July 2024

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