About this issue of "Morris Matters"

Summary: Vol. 10 Issue 2

Published: 1989

Table of contents

  • The Abram Morris Dance, a personal account of its revival.
  • Taking the piss out of pigs bladders
  • Morris, the young men’s dance? (part 2)
  • An Australian observes English Morris dancing
  • The evolving morris
  • Young people and the Morris – Today and now!
  • Leipzig Morris in England 1990, some impressions
  • Letters


Welcome to the second issue this year. It has been gratifying to find out how many people have welcomed Morris Matters back and especially how many people have contributed articles. So many that unlike last time when we were a bit stretched for content, this time I won’t be able to fit it all in this issue. So to all who sent their outpourings, they will appear! (see below).

Inside this issue you should find a renewal form. Two points, can you check that my interpretation of your writing is correct on the present label and highlight any changes. Also, to cope with the extra material and costs the subscription has to
increase. It will still be well worth it! Please renew well before the end of the year and do pass on the “new subscriber form” to any friends who don’t yet subscribe.

To whet your appetite, these are some of the topics for the next issue: the continuation of Geoff Hughes’ article on reviving Abram, a commentary on clog morris, some new dance notation and thoughts on creating jigs -pl us anything else you want to comment on. Copy date for the next issue is the end of November, please! Remember that if you want to advertise events, the issues will be out in mid-January and mid-July.

Finally, thanks to Jill Griffiths, Catrin Hughes and Steve Poole who helped in putting this issue together. Enjoy the rest of the dancing year.

Beth Neill


#Editor: Beth Neill
#Citation: Morris Matters, 10(2),

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