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Coronavirus Covid-19 – Insurance

Note: general Health & Safety advice is on our Health & Safety Risk Assessment page.

This page has been compiled by Michael Stimpson, our Insurance Advisor.  If you have further questions that the info below doesn’t answer … please email .

See all our Covid-19 pages:

Insurance during & after lockdown

Our Insurance Advisor, Michael Stimpson has provided the following summary for teams.  He writes:

“I have been asked to write a note to all Sides in the Morris Federation, Morris Ring and Open Morris regarding the effect Covid19 has on Morris activity. The simple answer is almost none.

Our Brokers remind us that the most important thing is that Sides, both at practice and whilst dancing out, should follow any Government or Council guidelines in force at the time.

The only area where Sides have to take care as lockdown is relaxed is making sure, when dancing out, that a clearly defined space exists between the Side and members of the public and no members of the public should be allowed in the dance area or, indeed, join in.

I have had a number of questions over the past few weeks and will share some of these with you.


You should remember that there are two separate policies involved.

  1. Public Liability (PL) covers your Side whilst performing or at practice against claims made by Third parties for injury, loss or damage caused.
  2. Optional Personal Accident (PA), which many Sides have (*see note), provides cover for Side members insured under the scheme for accidents caused whilst dancing at an event or at practice or in transit to or from either location.  Ed – (*) Note for Side members: Personal Accident insurance is optional, and you would need to contact your Side to find out if you are covered.


  • If I am injured in my home practising whilst watching a dance instruction video, am I covered? No, you are covered as described above whilst taking part in a Side event.
  • If we are having a Side Zoom practice and I damage something in my home, can I claim? No – the PL policy covers claims made by a Third Party only. If your household policy covers accidental damage you may be able to make a claim with your own Insurers.
  • If a Side is dancing out, and following social distancing, are they covered for Public Liability? Yes.
  • If my Side makes a video to teach Morris, are we covered? Unable to see any potential claim here. Your Side is covered as described above.
  • If we are having a Zoom practice and one of our members is injured, are we covered under the Personal Accident policy? It depends on how the accident happened of course but in most cases the answer here would be yes.
  • If we are having a Zoom practice and an onlooker is injured, is the Side covered? Each situation would be taken on its own merits but, in principle, yes, if it is a Side event.

Covid-19 does not alter the cover you have and it is important to consider the COVER PROVIDED as laid out above.

Coronavirus pictureDo remember though that Insurers can avoid a claim if you were breaking the law at the time of the loss so Social Distancing may come into play here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ring me, Michael Stimpson, any afternoon or early evening Monday to Friday on 01923 770425 or by e-mail on

See Terms for PL and PA Insurance

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