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Editor: Colin Andrews

Published: Winter 2011

Number: 68


What is it, I wonder, that impels intelligent people to to forego the warmth and comfort of a fireside armchair to dance on a windswept pub forecourt in the depths of winter? Last year I battled through snow and ice to maintain our Boxing Day dancing ‘tradition’ at our favourite rural pub. No such problem this year, but with family commitments and so on reducing available numbers to single figures I was expecting a fairly low-key event. Well, my spirits were uplifted way beyond all expectations. Though small in number gave a full and enjoyable performance to an appreciative audience. I wouldn’t have given a thought of swapping it for my armchair by the fire! Enjoy your dancing in 2012.

Download: Newsletter Winter 2011 (5Mb)


  • Sowerby Bridge Revival
  • Boekka & Penkevyll
  • Dancing in the Isle of Man
  • Review: At One With The Bells
  • Review: Way of the Morris
  • Paul White’s Diary
  • Colin Street
  • Young Collins
  • The Wow Factor
  • Oyster Pearls


#Editor: Colin Andrews
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Winter 2011,




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