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thumbnail of 2006-winterEditor: Doug Bradshaw

Published: Winter 2006

Number: 48

Download: Newsletter Winter 2006 (1Mb)


So another edition goes to press and I feel slightly guilty that having nagged away in issue after issue about getting material for the Newsletter I find myself now leaving material out! Or to be more exact deferring articles to the next issue. It’s actually a weight issue. Yes it’s strange but true. My reading of the new postal rules suggests that we can keep A4 format of the Newsletter provided we keep below 100gm per packet. And my scales suggest that a 28-page issue is just on the limit. So if your contribution is not in this issue take solace in the idea that your offering will brighten the Spring issue.

I’m still going to nag about circulation though. Please pass the Newsletter round your team. OK I take the point that if each team member takes the Newsletter home to read and you only meet once a week it’s going to take time to circulate. But there are ways round this conundrum. Most of the material is not date sensitive so even after a couple of months I hope it still makes a good read. But some stuff has a “sell by date” so please make a point of extracting the details of workshops etc. and pushing these loud and clear and most importantly TIMELY!

OK end of moan. Happy Christmas and see you all next year


Useful Contacts 2
Contents 3
Committee News 4
Letters 6
AGM – The Basics 7
AGM – Food for thought 8
Dancing in France 10
Ten Commandments 11
Hook Eagle – 15 years on 12
Banbury Hobby Horse 14
Crook Morris 25th Party 16
PR Workshop Report 19
Rams A Nag 19
Ten Questions – Jameson Wooders 20
Need Members? 22
Lincoln BIG Event 23
Nine Daies Away 24
Calendar 27
Shop 28




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