thumbnail of 1997-winter

Editor: Jude Nancarrow

Published: Winter 1997

Number: 14

Download: Newsletter Winter 1997 (1Mb)


#Editor: Judi Nancarrow
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Winter 1997,


Thanks indeed to Mad Jacks and Daisy Roots for hosting the AGM and Weekend of Dance, more info concerning this later in the newsletter.

On the events side, a new name and face to conjure with: Jethro Anderson, and Steve’s last piece- contained within this are details for a Step Dance Special Interest Group in Wantage, a Cotswold weekend with Roy Dommett in Wantage, and a North West workshop with Chinewrde; booking forms available in this issue.

Rhian is hard at work illustrating dances, and has some questions for you about research and new dances. The next Notation Group meeting is 7th December, and finally lots of info for steppers about forthcoming events and gatherings.

Lynn is still requesting newspaper articles, and includes an excerpt from the archives latest acquisition. Details also of the 5th Morris conference.

There is an AGM update from Beth together with pleas from both Rachel and Beth concerning renewals.

There are an enormous number of enclosures with this months newsletter, amongst these is a questionnaire about the newsletter itself. If you wish to see a change in any aspect of the newsletter, please complete the questionnaire and return it to me. Please discuss this amongst your side and let us know what you would like to see. This is in response to discussions held at the AGM where concerns were raised about the spelling errors and page setting mistakes in the last issue. In particular, people were concerned that the fomat was offputting and and not inviting to read. There were a lot of good ideas suggested, so we have decided to review the newsletter format.

We have two inclusions for the Focus on Youth section this time. From Standon Green some comments from the young people themselves, and from Solstice, a group I saw at Otley Folk Festival, they worked very hard putting on a splendid performance all around the town and were greatly appreciated by their audience and by the other Morris sides performing with them.

Dancing at Festivals Abroad

Are your team interested in dancing at Festivals abroad? There is quite a demand for ENGLISH DANCE TEAMS in festivals abroad. This is co-ordinated through an organisation called CIOFF and the English representitive is Derek Schofield.

If you are interested contact Derek, who will send you form to register and possibly match you with one of the festivals. He would laso he interested in hearing from other teams who have danced abroad.


My thanks to those who have submitted articles for inclusion in this issue, namely Barley Brigg, Carditf Ladies Morris, Kris Lawrence and the Maldon Greenjackets.

Please send submissions for the next newsletter by 5th February 1998.

And finally, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.


  • President’s Prologue
  • Editorial
  • General 
  • Technical Services (Notation)
  • Technical Services (Archive)
  • Events
  • Financial Services
  • Abingdon Morris Statement
  • Diary
  • Stepping Special Interest Group
  • In rememberance of Gordon Crowther
  • Barley Brigg
  • Focus on Youth
  • Congratulations
  • Maldon Greenjackets
  • Cardiff Ladies Morris
  • Pain Free Morris Dancing


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