thumbnail of 2008-summerEditor: Doug Bradshaw

Published: Summer 2008

Number: 54

Download: Newsletter Summer 2008 (1Mb)


I’ve just finished converting the autumn 2004 edition of the Newsletter into a format to go up on the web. Which incidentally completes the conversion of all the  editions for which I have electronic data files. One thing that is noticeable from the conversions I have done is that over the years the content of the Newsletter has shrunk. Where there was a steady flow of team based articles there is now a diminishing trickle. As editor of the Newsletter I welcome any and all content that is sent in to me for publication. Reports on foreign trips, UK festivals and team tours have been the staff of life for much of the time that I have been editor. However items on other topics are always welcome. Paul White has done sterling work with his regular column on all things dance related. Janet Dowling was a regular contributor of reports and interviews until recently. And I own up to generating a certain volume of text myself.

But where are the new voices out there? Or the old voices with something to say. Is your sides history worth a few words or even a page or two? Is there a dancer or musician you know who would be a good subject for a question and answer article? Has anything at a dance event got your blood racing for good or ill to the point where you want to write about it? If the answer to any of the above is “Yes” then you know where I am. Oh and I just love photos particularly good front cover shots!


Useful Contacts 2
Contents 3
Presidents Prologue 4
Committee News 5
Letters 6
Conwy Morris 9
New Year in Tasmania? 10
Liam Robinson 12
Premier League or Sunday
League? 15
AGM Survey Results 16
Morris –v-Festivals 18
Paul White – Festivals are Fun 20
Morris Day in Devon 22
Calendar 23
Shop 24


#Editor: Doug Bradshaw
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Summer 2008,


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