thumbnail of 2005-summerEditor: Doug Bradshaw

Published: Summer 2005

Number: 42

Download: Newsletter Summer 2005 (1Mb)


Well summer is a coming in and here’s the latest edition of the Newsletter to provide some light reading. The article on recreating the “Moresk” from a work of learned study will provide much food for thought I’m sure. Can the idea of the pagan origins of Morris finally be laid to rest? Is the re-creation of a 500-year-old dance a valuable contribution to the world of traditional dance? Will Rose Moresk be the first in a flowering of look a-like enthusiasts?

Then there is the item on the Maltby Phoenix Dancers. Young, energetic and female this team has taken the accolade of winners of the Open Class at DERT. At the Moor and Coast Festival in Whitby a couple of years ago I saw this team in action and they were wonderful to watch. I’m guessing that some of that team were in the side that triumphed at DERT and their principle of learning from the past whilst moving the boundaries forward have been proved correct. Congratulations.

I’m sure these items will stir the hackles of some of our readers. Traditionalists and modernisers will line up to support their corner and argue their cases. Long may they do so and long may dancers show that the discussions are interesting whilst the performance is everything.


Useful Contacts 2
President’s Prologue 4
Committee News 6
Letters to Editor 8
Sidmouth Blooming? 9
Morris at Altitude 10
Whitstable Mayday 11
Mayday Miscellany 12
Andy Hamilton Award 13
St. Georges Day 14
Pictures Galore 16
Book and CD 18
Maltby Phoenix Shine 19
Mockbeggar Morris 20
Rose Moresk 22
Sidmouth – Alive! 24
Abbots Bromley When? 26
Dates and Dances 27
Calendar 28
Festivals 30
Shop 32


#Editor: Doug Bradshaw
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Summer 2005,


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