thumbnail of 2001-summerEditor: Andy Anderson

Published: Summer 2001

Number: 28

DownloadNewsletter Summer 2001 (1Mb)


Not really an editorial, with all the connotations of that term, more an introduction: this issue of the newsletter is brought to you by Andy Anderson. I intend to follow on Jude’s good work, and I hope I have done to some extent. What must also be obvious to everyone is that I’ve succeeded in emulating the last issue for its lateness. I apologise, the reasons for this are similar to those that caused Jude to need to stand down before the AGM. Most of these are now past and I hope to catch up a bit for the next one.

I’d like to thank Jude for the phenomenal efforts she’s put into the newsletter and making the handover as painless as possible under the circumstances. I wish her the very best for the future and I hope I will eventually live up to the handover. Now that I have the teething problems sorted out, I aim to get the next issue out just before the AGM.

Newsletter articles being an endangered species, I’ll be happy to take printed or hand written copy, although if you can submit text by email or on disc, I’ll be ecstatic. I was going to tell you what sort of articles I’d like, but in truth the answer is “anything”.
We can serialise long technical articles and anyone who has edited this kind of thing will know that short profiles of your side or write-ups of events are equally welcome. Of course, if you have ideas for what you’d like to see in the newsletter, you’re more than welcome to let me know.



  • President’s Prologue 2
  • Editor’s Comments 3
  • Letters 4
  • Whittlesea Straw Bear 6
  • International Mummers’ Festival 7
  • Foxwhelp Morris 8
  • Fowler’s Molly Dancers 9
  • Morris 2000 Youth Project 10
  • AGMUpdate 11
  • Diary 12
  • Goods List 14


#Editor: Andy Anderson
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Summer 2001,


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