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thumbnail of 2010-springEditor: Colin Andrews

Published: Spring 2010

Number: 61

DownloadNewsletter Spring 2010 (4Mb)


First of all, an observation test for our readers. How many changes have you noticed to the Newsletter? While the basic format of the magazine is unchanged, at least until I’ve had an edition or two in print, the eagle-eyed may notice some tweaking with layout and type face, and the introduction of colour on the cover. I’ve some ideas for regular features, such as regional reports (if volunteers are forthcoming !), and an opportunity for sides to feature a new dance that they are willing to share. I am, however, open to suggestions as to how the newsletter could be improved and what other features might be included. The last thing I want is to produce a magazine full of my own opinions and articles, so please send in reports & photographs etc about your own side’s activity, or items which may be of general interest to members. I cannot guarantee that everything I receive will be printed, but I can assure you that everything will be read, and properly acknowledged. There is no shortage of on-going concerns (insurance, P.E.L., for example) about which I will endeavor to keep you informed, and to provide a forum for expressions of diverse points of view.


#Editor: Colin Andrews
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Spring 2010,



  • BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards
  • Where charity begins
  • Fleet of Foot after 25 years
  • Interview with Chaz Oldham
  • Upton – but not as we know it
  • Phoenix on the box
  • Anyone for ASDA?
  • In Remembrance – Alan Green
  • Paul White’s Diary
  • Morris Futures
  • DERT 2010
  • Flora and Anchor – spread the word


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