thumbnail of 2009-spring

Editor: Doug Bradshaw

Published: Spring 2009

Number: 57

Download: Newsletter Spring 2009 (1Mb)


It’s been a busy three months since the last issue came out. Before Christmas the repercussions of the decision not to invite Flash Company to re-new their membership took up a lot of time. Then after Christmas came the press furore over the Morris Ring’s opinion that the Morris was in danger of dying! Aside from the general level of press and media coverage it seemed I could not go anywhere without someone wanting to know what that was all about. And then we had a film on the Morris seeking support for a general release. As with all things opinions differed widely on each of these topics and I hope that the coverage in this issue gives a fair view for each topic.

Moving on from that this issue has an extensive article on the Fylde Coast Cloggers trip to Brittany. I publish a highly edited version of the original text but I hope that I have kept the main message. This is that a successful trip abroad is not all fun in the sun and that the often thankless task of making detailed arrangements often comes down to one or two individuals who give their time freely to support their team and their hobby.

Finally this issue has two items remembering dancers who are sadly no longer with us. I know that by his example Ken Martin encouraged many young dancers to join and enjoy dancing. Reading Dave Hicks piece I get a similar feeling. These are the dancers who have passed on the tradition to the next generation and it’s that generation that will keep it alive.


  • Obituary – Dave Hicks
  • Amplification – the sound and the fury
  • Aelfgythe – virgins no more
  • Gone in twenty years?
  • Fylde and Wakefield in Brittany
  • EBM’s 10th anniversary
  • Obituary – Ken Martin
  • Greene King salute the morris
  • Paul White – food for thought
  • Question time with Chris Pitt
  • Mumming news


#Editor: Doug Bradshaw
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Spring 2009,


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