thumbnail of 2007-springEditor: Doug Bradshaw

Published: Spring 2007

Number: 49

Download: Newsletter Spring 2007 (1Mb)


I make no apologies for the heavy emphasis on the AGM in this issue. I know that for many out there reading this, the AGM is just something that happens and is not really relevant to you. And I can sympathise. Many years ago as a newly appointed squire of my side I made the effort to attend an AGM. Several hours driving to listen to what felt like longer hours of discussion about the position of a comma in a sub-clause of the constitution seemed pointless. When the discussion moved on to whether the comma should not in fact be a semicolon I took the view that AGM’s were not for simple folk like me. So when the AGM invite arrives each year we decide that it’s too far to travel for what is actually one day of dance or maybe it’s local but a final massed stand with thirty teams participating is too awful to contemplate. So we never go.

In the last issue Ron Day gave an insight into the problems with the current format of the AGM. In this issue we have suggestions on how to change that format from several viewpoints. What is needed now are your thoughts. Discuss this within your team, discuss it with other teams. If you have an opinion or an idea lets hear from you.

The constitution of the Federation requires an AGM in 2007. With no host team in site the committee has a “cunning plan” to meet this requirement. But for 2008 we need your views and we need them now!


Useful Contacts 2
Contents 3
Committee News 4
Letters 6
AGM –Time To Change? 8
AGM Day of Dance 10
The Joy of Stoney Stratford 11
Somethings Afoot 12
Fools and Beasts 14
Towersey in Pictures 15
Ten Questions to Alan Green 16
Paul Whites Column 18
Web of Confusion? 20
Blackhorse in Town 21
Sustainable Morris 22
Locos in Motion 23
SDU Longsword 2006 24
Anagram Answers 25
Mumming on the Web 26
Calendar 27
Shop 28


#Editor: Doug Bradshaw
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Spring 2007,


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