thumbnail of 2006-springEditor: Doug Bradshaw

Published: Spring 2006

Number: 45

Download: Newsletter Spring 2006 (1Mb)


#Editor: Doug Bradshaw
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Spring 2006,


It’s now a year since I took over as editor of the Newsletter and I guess I must be doing something right to still be here. My plea at the AGM for good cover pictures produced the terrific shot on the cover. Can it get any better? Come on folks prove that it can.

And Janet Dowling and Paul White have once again supplied pieces for which they get my heartfelt thanks. As indeed my thanks go to all those who contribute because without you the Newsletter would be a monograph on dancing “Up North”.

It seems that we are in a period of change in the world of traditional dance and events. Darlington Spring Thing, an event that has opened my season for many years is now in a revised format. Holmfirth Festival seems to be at some sort of cross-roads. Up at Whitby Malcom Storey promises that this will be his last year as the principal organiser. But look to the Paul White piece for inspiration. Out of the old comes the new. So the faces and places may change, but the tradition grows with each passing year. Long may it continue to do so.


Useful Contacts 2
President’s Prologue 4
Committee News 6
Letters to Editor 8
Rapper Workshop 10
A Mabel Eye View 11
Crook Morris 13
Black Dog Molly 14
City Clickers 15
Book Review 16
Black Jack Border 17
Ten Questions 18
Breaking Up 20
Boojum on Tour 21
Publicity Tips 22
St. George 24
A Blue Stotter Writes 26
Olympic Hopes 28
Gate to Southwell 31
Shop 32


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