thumbnail of 2003-springEditor:  Nicola Rushton

Published: Spring 2003

Number: 33

Download: Newsletter Spring 2003 (1Mb)


Thanks to all the contributors (again) to this newsletter. Keep those articles coming in!

This issue sees an article about the current state of the ‘Two in a Bar’ bill which is causing many sleepless nights for all concerned at the moment, plus an enclosure of the document by the DCMS. The state of the bill is changing all the time and the MF will keep you as updated as possible on how it will or will not affect us.

May Day is on the horizon and preparations for some great May Day events are underway.

The Jack in the Green takes pride of place on the front cover of this issue, and I’d welcome comments and additions to the May Day article I’ve put together. You will also find a May Day Celebration Register. This is a list of regular Morris related May Day celebrations, and has been compiled from forms returned to Fee Lock. If your event is missing from the Register please send your details in.

On a serious note there will be 2 vacancies on the MF committee in January 2004. John (President) and Adrian (Archive Officer) will be standing down at the AGM in September. Look at the job descriptions and see if you, or someone you know, could have a go at one of these important roles.

You’ll notice the shop is now on the back cover … this is for ease of photocopying so that it can be circulated amongst your team.




Useful Contacts 2
President’s Prologue 4
Letters to the Editor 6
Committee News 7
Report on AFO Cont. 8
Review – Ringheye 9
“Two in the Bar Rule” 10
Sidmouth Festival 2002 12
Perform. Tutor Scheme 14
Team Talk- Cardiff Ladies15
Wantage Weekend 16
May Day Celebration Reg. 17
White Rose Morris Men 18
May Day Article 19
Workshop Review 20
MFAGM W/E 2003 21
Dancers’ Diary 22
Team Talk- Poynton Jem. 23
Morris Dancing in Schools 25
Review- Kendal Torchlight27
Team Talk- Powder Kegs 28
Team Talk- Buttercross .. 30
Shop 32


#Editor: Nicola Rushton
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Spring 2003,


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