thumbnail of 2002-springEditor: Andy Anderson

Published: Spring 2002

Number: 29

Download: Newsletter Spring 2002 (1Mb)

Presidents Prologue

AGM 2001

The last AGM has been and gone and this was an excellent affair with the Kevin Taylor Consortium organising a perfect weekend of dance and refreshments. The Saturday evening Ceilidh was most successful with the Hogs Back Band and Fee calling. Sunday saw our AGM meeting when about 20 group members were represented. The teams that attended on Saturday amounted to only 12 and this included one from Open Morris. The Morris Ring was also invited but was unable to field a team. However their Bagman attended on their behalf and was made most welcome.

With such a small number on Saturday the Committee was a little worried as to whether we would have a quorum on the Sunday, but with some discreet telephone calls during the previous five days we succeeded in reaching the required number of representatives.

The Morris Ring, Open Morris and EFDSS

Our work with the Morris Ring and Open Morris continues to flourish and with the EFDSS we have developed the Morris Futures Project. This is a project put together by the four organisations – to promote Morris Dance in this country and to raise its image. The project forms part of the EFDSS Education programme and requires the employment by EFDSS of a number of Development Officers, one of which will be for Morris An Education Programme Director employed by EFDSS will direct the team. It is a joint project between us all and though we shall not be required to finance the Morris Dance Development Officer all three organisations will be expected to provide assistance in kind to enable the Morris Dance Officer to undertake his duties. This person will require assistance and advice on Morris dance events, styles, teaching, and the provisions of arms and legs.

The EFDSS Education Programme is now under way and will be guided by a working group

The Logo

At the 2000 AGM, we were charged with going out to the membership to see whether you wished to change our Logo and this we have done. The response to this request was poor and we only received one new design proposal and one modified one plus three letters saying leave it as it is. The proposals are included in this Newsletter and more information is include later

Roy Dommett

Some time ago you raised the question as to whether there was a possibility of recommending Roy Dommett for an award for services rendered to the Morris world. Roy has put in a tremendous amount of effort in recording teams that he has seen, running workshops, encouraging Morris sides, providing much of the tuition at the Wantage weekend, collecting dance forms – his activities are endless and without Roy the Morris world would be a sadder place. At the last National Council meeting of the EFDSS I recommended that Roy be awarded a Gold Badge for exceptional services to Morris – and this was passed unanimously. Roy will be presented with the Gold Badge at the EFDSS AGM this November. Our hearty congratulations to Roy

Finally, we are well into the practice season and it offers great opportunity to advance the Morris especially· with the Morris Futures Project taking shape, and to make an impact on the general public – so don’t let this opportunity slip by – keep practicing and dancing well.

John Bacon -President


Committee Members’ News:

  • President’s Prologue
  • Archive Officer’s Report


  • (50×50)+(dmx6) =A Mortis Teaching Marathon- Ann & John Bacon
  • Children in Morris – Kim Woodward
  • DERT 2002- ‘Let’s See How They Handle Their Swords’
  • Improving the Quality of (Good) Morris- Adrian Williams
  • Insurance News
  • The DERT 2001 Experience -Whip the Cat Rapper Dancers
  • The Fed Slashes Cost of Insurance
  • The Logo – New or Old
  • The Performing Rights Society -John Bacon


  • AGM 2001
  • North-West Workshop
  • Rapper Workshop
  • Team Manager’s Workshop


  • AGM 2001 Video of the Massed Stand
  • Morris Federation Weekend of Dance and AGM 2002
  • Workshops 2002


#Editor: Andy Anderson
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Spring 2002,


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