thumbnail of 1999-springEditor: Judi Nancarrow

Published: Spring 1999

Number: 19

Download: Newsletter Spring 1999 (1Mb)



#Editor: Judi Nancarrow
#Citation: Morris Federation Newsletter, Spring 1999,


Many apologies for the late arrival of this quarters newsletter. It would appear that on the learning curve regarding computers, I am slipping slowly backwards.

Yes, the new computer has arrived, and it and I are struggling to make friends, and co-operate with each other. In a moment of lack of communication and co-operation I managed to wipe the entire Spring Newsletter, in completed, form from the computer before I had printed it! How? Not sure, and it is of no consequence now, all you need to know is that the necessity to start from scratch when the due date was already upon me, is the reason for the delay in publication ……. .

Committee Vacancies: There will be several positions available on the committee next year, and requests for volunteers and job descriptions are contained in this issue. For the posts of President, Secretary and Archive Officers.

Presidents’ Prologue : Following her decision to stand down next year Janet brings us up to date with her aims and achievements during her tenure as President of the Federation. The job description is to be found on page 17.

General: Beth has also decided to stand down as secretary, and includes in her article the job description for this post. There is also an update on the Nine Daies Morris 14-20 April2000.

Financial: Rachel has a reminder about the Public Liability Insurance for those who have not yet returned their paperwork, and updates on stock levels in the shop.

Notation: Rhian investigates the Molly Trials, and the many varied forms of Molly dancing, together with an update on the progress of the Hinton Book.

Archive : Lynn reviews a book recently purchased for the archive, “An overview of English Folk Dance,” by Frank Kidson & Mary Neal (1915)

Events: Further information will be available in the next issue, in the meantime any queries should be directed to Jethro, his contact numbers can be found on the back cover. Reminders however, for the Raglan Workshop to be held on 20th March, and Westmorland Step & Garland will be 17th or 24th April, please check with Jethro for current information.

My thanks to our other contributors this issue, namely, Ted Dodsworth for his article, Pacific Party in which he gives an account of Betty Luptons Ladle Laikers trip to Vancouver, Seattle and Victoria in 1998. Sarah Crofts for her review of the International Encyclopaedia of Dance, Christina Pritchard for her request for help with her sides history, and for a lovely poem which I promise to include in the next issue (sorry Christina!).

We do, of course have the regular articles, many sightings of Morris in the Media, and update of progress with Millennium celebrations., dancing in the Dome etc. Sadly we have to report the cancellation of Morris 99 in Sacrborough, but the expansion of the annual Scarborough Fayre. On a literary note, Janet Dowling has been delving deep into the pages of Shakes pear to find many interesting and varied references to Morris, prepare to be amazed.

The next Committee meeting will take place on 17th April, should you have any issues which you want raised, please contact the relevant committee member.

Copy date for the next issue is 5th May, date of publication 1st June.

Once again, my apologies for the lateness of this issue, it shouldn’t be a matter beyond my control, but on this occasion, it was …… …. Some orientation of the new technology coming up!

Don’t forget to send photos and stories of your May Day exploits

Wishing you all a good season

Jude Nancarrow


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